How Can Pop-Up Shops Inspire your Offline Retail Sales Journey?

Have you thought of any creative idea for your business venture? If you think what is the need to do so? Then you must know that Pop-up shops are becoming more popular, as a marketing trend.

“According to a 2018 survey by Harvard Business
Review Analytic Services, 93 per cent of business
executives say their company prioritizes hosting
events. And the retail pop-up market had an
estimated value of $50 billion in 2016.”

“According to a survey of 1,425 U.S. consumers
conducted by Retail Dive, “the ability to see,
touch and feel products rank highest among
the reasons consumers choose to shop in stores
versus online.”

Hope the above stats might have made you clear that how hosting a pop-up shop can inspire your online retail business journey. Pop-ups are an opportunity to market your brand itself, interact with your customers directly and earn profit from the market.

Apart from this, one of the trendier reasons is you can pop-up for marketing purposes. If you want to open a temporary storefront to market your brand and new product you get short term rental for Pop- up Store, Lausanne.

How can pop-ups lead your business to successful growth in the market?

If you are on the fence of opening a pop-up shop, there are few factors to consider which should sway you in a positive direction:
  • Pop-up shops are affordable:
    Yes, if you are worried how will you invest in a huge amount for opening your store then don't worry as many landlords are desperate to fill the space, even for a few weeks as they are sitting empty in malls.  They are happy to make a deal for a pop-up shop, so you only need to pay rent for a short period.
  • You can test new products or branding with lower risk:
    Your pop-up shop will allow you to take another direction for your brand without taking the risk of actually changing everything. You can open a pop-up shop with new products and services, or an original brand image, and see how your consumers response towards them. You can engage your customers, and if they get excited, the change can be permanent and help you to continue in the future and case if not, then you don’t lose much.
  • Customers are hungry for experiences:
    If you are considering your pop-up shop, make sure you add some experiential elements that draw the attention of your shoppers to visit and share with their friends. As Pop-up shops are highly experiential, customers can take photos and show off that they're at the latest, most relaxed place to be.

If you want to sell the idea of a new item as part of a greater marketing campaign you can get a pop-up store, Lausanne and can give your customers a hands-on look at it and maybe the chance to be the first ones to own it.

Pop-up stores can allow all the digital brands to interact with customers physically and even direct them to their internet presence for more of what they offer.


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